Champagne Demi-Sec Bérénice de Rochefort is an elegant, sophisticated, and timeless Champagne, as its beautiful name suggests.
We offer it in both Brut and Demi-Sec versions.
Our Bérénice de Rochefort Champagne in its demi-sec version is rich, generous, and truly one of a kind. It blossoms with a bouquet of quince and fresh mirabelle plums, enhanced by pastry notes, and elevated by a mouthfeel full of depth and amplitude.
It is perfect as an aperitif or at the end of a meal, and also pairs wonderfully with roasted poultry, fruit-based desserts, and even a nice slice of foie gras.
The best way to know is to TRY IT! From November 18th to 22nd, 2024, come discover and taste it directly at the estate (Château des Tourtes)
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